Wednesday, November 9, 2011

When Road Rage Melts Away...

***Special thanks to Katie from Aurora, IL for taking the time to share your random act of kindness. I hope others are as inspired as I am... ***

"I live in Aurora and I work in Schaumburg, for anyone who isn't familiar with the area, that's 40 miles one way, 80 miles a day and 400 miles a week. I complain, I yell at people on the road, I swerve in and out of lanes and you can call me you typical Chicago driver. Every day I get off the highway at the same exit, yell at a few more people to hurry through the light so I'm not late and I rarely pay attention to my surroundings.

I don't know why this day was different but I pulled off the highway and felt like a sign slapped me across the face, "please help, my family needs support and I need your help, God Bless". My road rage went from 10 to -10. Every worry in my world disappeared and I really felt like I needed to do something. I didn't want to just give him a few bucks, to be honest, I didn't want him to turn around and by a bottle to drink away his problems. I knew I had a few extra minutes before work so I picked up a cinnamon crunch bagel, a breakfast sandwich and a large coffee from Panera and headed back to the same corner he was standing on. He saw me when I pulled off the side of the road and I waved for him to come over. I explained to him that I didn't have any cash on me and it may not help him in the long run but I thought a filling breakfast with a hot coffee might do the trick. He was literally speechless. The look on his face did enough. Bright eyed, he took the food and drink from my hand and smelled the coffee. It was humbling. Here I am sitting in a warm car, dressed in business attire with a hat, gloves and a scarf, yelling at everyone around me, and I'm looking at this guy enjoy the smell of coffee. He couldn't say thank you enough, his smile was amazing. I don't know if he still remembers the day, I don't know if he told his family, I don't know anything about him but I know I won't forget it.

These random acts of kindness are addicting. There's nothing I've experienced in my life that affects me emotionally as much as these acts do. I thank God each day for what I have, I should be thanking Him for what He has given me and how He has impacted my life. I am in the position I am for a reason and I don't feel guilty for being successful. I know that I can be the change I want to see in the world and hopefully the people I help can pass it along.

Get out there and do something! You don't have to buy breakfast for the next homeless person you see but just realize there are people in this world less fortunate than we are and its definitely a great experience to know you are the reason why people smile."

Aurora, IL

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